City of Claremore is a full service municipality that strives to provide the best amenities possible. The City operates under the City Council/City Manager form of government. The City Manager serves as the chief executive officer and is responsible for all day-to-day operations of the City, while the City Council serves as the policy-making body. The City Council consists of eight individuals representing their respective wards and a mayor who is elected at large. The City Council meets twice a month, typically on the first and third Mondays.
The City of Claremore continues to invest in infrastructure improvements and economic development, and tourism growth continues to be a priority with multiple commercial projects in process, and increased visitors each year.
City of Claremore’s 250+ employees live and work in the community and are committed to providing and maintaining an exceptional living environment. There are over 20 departments within the city, including Fire, Police, Parks & Recreation plus Claremore Lake, Expo Center, Community Center, Senior Center, Library, Public Infrastructure, Electric, Planning & Development Services and Animal Control. Information for all departments can be found at www.claremorecity.com.
John Feary, City Manager
Debbie Long, Mayor | Herb McSpadden, Deputy Mayor
Melissa Cottom, Josh Fellman, Justin Michael, Brian Callender, Holly Bowlby, Jonathan Eslick, Lindsey Erwin
Claremore Police Department is under the direction of Chief Steve Cox. Staff includes Deputy Chief, investigators, patrolmen, animal control officers, two school resource officers, and support personnel. The department is committed to their mission to promote safety, security, and an improved quality of life in and for the City of Claremore through its personal and organizational commitment to excellence and accountability. Various programs are conducted within the city to forge a partnership between the police department and the citizens including neighborhood watch, bicycle patrol, RAD program, school resource officers, and a variety of crime prevention programs. Claremore Police Department is an OACP accredited agency, demonstrating and maintaining professional and nationally recognized standards.
Claremore Fire Department is under the direction of Chief Sean Douglas. The department maintains an ISO Class 2/2Y Public Protection Classification. Services delivered include; fire suppression, fire prevention, public education, non-transport emergency medical services, various rescue services, and hazardous materials response. The department operates the Region 2 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Unit as part of the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security’s Regional Response System.